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Born in New Jersey, USA, Michael Andres Parra a.k.a Mike P, has always been true to his roots and his passion for music and rhythm. With a musically infused upbringing in the late 80s and early 9os embedded into the Colombian-American's DNA, he began playing the drums at an early age and pursued music production, DJing, and live sound. He made his first appearance in New York in 2009 and has since played and opened for some of the biggest names in some of the biggest stages and venues of today's House Music & Afterhours scene in the NY/NJ area. A producer and DJ with a groovy bass-rich tech-house techno sound, a strong presence of Hip-Hop and Latin vibes, and releasing music on record labels like Academy Records/Little Insects (Colombia) and Mimetic Music (Spain), his sets are known to capture the audience whether opening or closing the floor. Be sure to catch the next musical experience near you.

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